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Chlamydia Prostatitis Treatment Is Very Important

Chlamydia Treatment is caused by chlamydia. The clinical symptoms and signs are similar to chronic gonococcal prostatitis, but less often for penis tingling, perineal rectum bulge discomfort. Some patients are accompanied with urethritis and epididymitis. Through the immune fluorescence method, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, cell can be detected in chlamydia. Bacterial Chlamydia prostatitis is contagious. When suffering from prostatitis, the local blood circulation is blocked, thus, the inflammatory metabolites and toxins and oxidation of free radicals will increased. It will affect the local tissue, which will produce a large amount of a vicious cycle, so that the symptoms will be worse, which will make the condition more difficult to treat and the recurrent rate will be high. Therefore, Chlamydia Cure is very important.

Chlamydia Prostatitis Symptoms

Abnormal urination: frequent and urgent urination, difficulty urinating, urethral burning; white turbid secretions from the urethral opening, commonly known as urinary albumin.
Pain: it often occurs in the lumbar and sacral region, the lower abdomen, perineum, pubic area, groin, testis.
The decreasing of sexual function: sexual desire drops, impotent, premature ejaculation, painful ejaculation.
Neurasthenic symptoms: headache, dizziness, insomnia, depression, etc.

Chlamydia Prostatitis Treatment

Chinese herbal medicine call Diuretic and anti-inflammatory pills is a great choice for curing chlamydia prostatitis. This pill is made from 50 kinds of herbs and each of them have their own functions. Herbs like honeysuckle, scutellaria baicalensis, houttuynia cordata can provide good effect on clearing away heat and toxins to kill the pathogenic bacteria, thus, the cause of prostatitis can be eliminated. As we know that prostatitis can bring much pain and discomfort to patients, saffron, semen persicae, angelica sinensis, radix paeoniae rubra in the pill can work efficiently on promoting circulation of blood and qi to relieve the painful condition. This herbal medicine also contain herbs like plantago seed, dianthus superbus, talcum and polygonum aviculare which can contribute to inducing diuresis to relieve stranguria. You can click the link to get more information: http://www.diureticspill.com/Medical_Use/Prostatitis/20140323/536.html

Chlamydia prostatitis can affect male patients in many aspects. It will be more difficult to cure if it develops to a chronic type. Thereby, patients should choose a proper treatment for this disease. in addition, diet and lifestyle changes are also essential for the recovery of chlamydia prostatitis.

If you want to consult you disease and condition, you can send e-mail to Dr. Lee: wuhandrlee@hotmail.com.


Treatment For Chlamydia Makes People Feel Better

A sexually transmitted disease that both men and women can acquire, chlamydia is the most commonly transmitted of the STD's and can be asymptomatic or have a variety of symptoms. Fever, genital inflammation and pelvic pain are but some of the symptoms that can occur. It can lead to infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease if left untreated. Pneumonia, trachima and eye disease can be complications of this bacterial infection. Antibiotics are a very successful conventional method for the treatment for Chlamydia Treatment.

The organism is reliant upon human hosts for energy as it is unable to produce energy itself. C. Trachomatis can cause urinary and genital tract infections in sexually active women and men. It can be transmitted during oral, anal or vaginal sex. It can be passed from mother to baby during a vaginal birth. Unprotected sex with multiple partners are the people who are at the highest risk.

Painful intercourse, lower back and abdominal pain and spotting between periods are all symptoms that have been noted. Woman have said they have experienced rectal pain, symptoms of PID, burning when urinating and vaginal discharge. Some people have no symptoms and don't know they even have it. When it is contracted orally, throat infections, redness and swelling of the tonsils can occur. Urine tests or specimens from the cervix or penis are how it is diagnosed.

Conventional treatment consists of early diagnosis and antibiotics. This protocol has proven to be very successful in treating both men and women and can prevent long-term complications from developing. Some of the drugs used are erythromycin, tetracycline or azithromycin. If left untreated it can lead to infertility in women, scarring and PID. The best way to avoid this condition is to have a monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested or to abstain from sexual contact. Latex condoms can reduce the risk of transmission if used properly.

One strain, C. Trachomatis, is able to mutate and resists antibiotics. Homeopathic treatment uses bioenergetic imprints of the bacteria that the immune system responds to therby aiding the healing process. Many different types of medicine styles are used including homeopathy and Chinese medicine to name a few. This style of healing blends the medical expertise of ancient and modern medical treatments easing mental and emotional systems to heal the body.

The entire body is treated as a whole instead of just one part to allow it to repair and maintain a healthy state. Any blocked hormones or enzymes are released providing optimal functioning for balance. Mental and emotional patterns are subtly altered. Cells are provided with nutrition to allow the body to reach homeostasis.

Complete healing is necessary for results to be maintained. Homeopathics harmonize the entire person, flower essences attune the mind and Chinese, Ayervedic and Tibetan herbs balance physiological and energetic manifestations and nutraceuticals coordinate cellular nutrition. Every thought and emotion has a corresponding peptide secretion from the hypothalamus. Bringing the body into harmony will aid in healing.

Choosing the right type of treatment for chlamydia discharge
will lead one to a symptom free life. You can either choose to take antibiotics in the conventional manner of medicine or natural modalities incorporating centuries of medical practices. Knowing how to take care of your body and avoiding unnecessary risks will keep you happy and healthy.
Nothing Special Nothing Special Nothing Special Nothing Special Nothing Special Nothing Special Nothing SpecialObtain Additional Related information On Chlamydia Cure by going to Biogetica.

Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria.

What are the symptoms of chlamydia infection?

Many people with Chlamydia Treatment have no symptoms, specifically, 70% of women experience mild or even no symptom. Chlamydia is easily spread because it usually causes no symptom and it is unknowingly passed to sexual partners. Most importantly, even if you feel no symptom, chlamydia does damage your reproductive systems. Some women have symptoms, these symptoms may appear 1 to 3 weeks after sexual contact with a chlamydia infected partner, and they may conclude:

Abnormal vagina discharge that might have an odor
Painful urination and cloudy urine
Itching or burning in or around the vagina
Lower abdominal pain
Fever and tiredness

How is chlamydia treated?

If you are diagnosed with chlamydia infection, your doctor will prescribe oral antibiotics, certain dose of antibiotics for 7 or more days is most common treatments for Chlamydia Cure. And mild infection will clear up in about one week with treatment and your doctor also recommend that you should continue taking antibiotics even if you feel better and your sexual partner should be treated as well.

Unfortunately, many women feel the symptom until the infection becomes serious and serious chlamydia infection might cause complication such as pelvic inflammatory disease, in this situation, longer antibiotics treatment or hospitalization for intravenous antibiotics is needed. Some serious infection in pelvic system needs surgery in addition to drug treatment.

We all know that how great damage the overuse antibiotics will make to our body. Thus, females faced with chlamydia infection can seek other safe treatments such as Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture has been recognized as safe and effective by people around the world. Chinese medicine is also safe and effective. Fuyan pill is made up with herbs, so it is as safe as food and doesn't cause any side effect to your body. Every herb has its properties, Radix Scutellariae and other herbs in fuyan pill has function of eliminating inflammation and kill bacteria, therefor, fuyan pill is effective in curing chlamydia infection.

In addition, fuyan pill is also effective in treating complication caused by chlamydia infection such as PID.
Antibiotics treatments is the most common treatment,but overuse antibiotics might cause great damage, Chinese medicine fuyan pill is safe and effective option.If you have any queation about the pill or your condition,you can send email to Dr. Lee wuhandrlee@hotmail.com .

The patient with mycoplasma infection prostatitis for 11 years was cured with TCM

Name: Mr Tang
Gender: Male
Age: 45 years old
Chief statement: Repeated frequency, urgency and perineal pain for 11 years.
Auxiliary examinations: mycoplasma culture: positive; prostate fluid routine: WBC +++, lecithin + +

Medical history: Mr. Tang had urinary frequency and urgency with no obvious incentive, so he went to the local hospital clinic for treatment. The examination results showed that he has mycoplasma positive, and was diagnosed as "mycoplasma infection prostatitis". He take some anti-infective drugs (specific medication and courses are unknown), but the symptoms were no significantly improved. So he had recurrent frequency, urgency and perineal pain, persistent positive mycoplasma for 11 years. And he found Wuhan Dr. Lee’s TCM clinic to take the TCM treatment.

Western diagnosis: Chlamydia Treatment
TCM diagnosis: turbid semen

Consulting time: 2008.11
Treating course: Three-month treatment with diuretic anti-inflammatory pill

Urinary frequency and urgency was relieved obviously, but the perineal pain still existed. So he continued taking diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill, and was asked to follow dietary restrictions.

The symptoms of frequency, urgency and perineal pain were significantly reduced, and Mr. Tang felt great improved, only had some discomforts sometimes. So he was asked to take another month medicine and review the prostate fluid routine and mycoplasma culture seven days after the drug withdrawal.

The symptoms of frequency, urgency and perineal pain was nearly cured. After taking some checkups in local hospital, the mycoplasma culture showed negative and the prostate fluid routine was WBC-, lecithin was + + +. The test results showed he was healed completely. Dr.Lee asked him to pay attention to the diet to avoid the relapse of the disease.

The patient with chlamydia for 3 years has been cured with TCM treatment

Name: Mr. Yin
Gender: Male
Age: 40 years old
Treating time: 2008.11
Chief complaint: The patient has repeated urinary frequency and urgency for 3 years, and the symptoms aggravated a week ago.

Medical history: 3 years ago, Mr.Yin had frequency and urgency with no obvious incentive. Then he went to the local hospital for treatment, found to have chlamydia positive. He was diagnosed as "Chlamydia Treatment," so he took the anti-infective therapy (specific medication and treatment are unknown) to eliminate the symptoms, but failed. Then, during the three years, he had recurrent urinary frequency and urgency symptoms, a sense of the past week symptoms, and these symptoms aggravated a week ago. So he found the Wuhan Dr.Lee's TCM clinic to take the treatment.

Western medicine diagnosis: Chlamydia infection
TCM diagnosis: stranguria syndrome

Auxiliary examination: Chlamydia culture
Treating course: Three-month treatment with diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill

Treating process:

The symptoms like frequency and urgency has been relieved, and he felt great improvements during the treatment. Considering the chlamydia is also positive, so he took another month diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill. And Dr.Lee told him to seek help if he felt discomforts.

Mr.Yin had no obvious frequency and urgency, only has mild urine discomforts. So he continued to take one month diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill to radically eliminate the symptoms. And Dr. Lee told him to review the chlamydia test after finishing the treatment.

Mr. Yin had no obvious urinary frequency and urgency. So he went to the local hospital to review, finding that his chlamydia negative.He was healed with the TCM treatment. and Dr. Lee asked him to pay attention to personal hygiene to avoid re-infection.

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